Depending on the subject matter I'll determine whether or not I find my hand-writing agreeable
by tim scott
The real fear is being over social
Is it more fashionable to hate pop art or to ignore __________
if you had to graph the rate at which pop art spread (whatever that means), what would your second step be?
[being or speaking to one] filled with names and senses of humor none too particular,
I forget which kardashian sister is which (excluding the obvious, KIM), but I've yet to mistake a non-Kardashian for an actual-Kardashian, but I hope to do so soon. I have seen more work by either, or any, Kardashian than Klimt.
Shake that box hit it rub it shake that bag look 70 degrees to the left
when was the last time you saw Mel Gibson's Conspiracy Theory
lift up your skirt pinch your tits and scream to the gods, the old gods, do not forget about your personal gods make sure your heels are planted firmly
pivot pivot
I haven't watched TV on a sunday in how many years
I do know what's playing on any given sunday and I still drink Coca Cola regardless.
There was a staged coup this past weekend, the third weekend in January, and no one showed up so it failed However, the New York Times is estimating that momentum for revolution was not lost; it was just an off day.
I cannot pronounce the name of this country, but the creators of Looney Tunes would refer to it as "darker Africa"--
It's on the way to the do do bird(s)
It's very hard to be at a party with snacks and at some point during the party not over-indulge
Especially considering that no one else is really indulging SO you have to take a cig break and remind yourself that:
your re-entrance will be a debut of the same outfit you debuted upon your first entrance
and also again at the snack table
and it won't really be an "outfit," you know
Hopefully there will be powdered cheese somewhere on your shirt because everyone will laugh together about the downfall of
the bourgeoisie
the role of wit in 'society' will be considered but not spoken about for fear of ending the party too early, which at times can feel
like the Rapture
Then a song will come on and you'll start to think about how you don't know the words so you'll take a few sips in very rapid
succession and change the subject
You'll recall an apropos quote from an English female romanticist.
find the bowl of chips nibble on some chippies and then refill the bowl rinse out your glass knock on the counter (if available) knock on wood (if available) press entirety of hand into counter (if available) to feel the variant in temperature daydream vaguely
Imagine the distance between Japan and Tijuana. Reimagine that distance starting in Japan this time. Reimagine starting in Tijuana this time